
AIAA believes that the future of aerospace starts with the expansion of our knowledge base, so fostering your education and success in the industry, is a main goal of the Institute. For that reason, all AIAA members, including students like you receive discounts on books, journal subscriptions, conference proceedings and individual article purchases. Make the most of your membership and amplify your education through AIAA’s rich publications collection.

Aerospace Design Engineers Guide App—FREE for Students
Access the most comprehensive collection of commonly used engineering data specifically related to aerospace design on your iPhone or iPad for free! Download now.

Go Digital

Get the information you need the way you want it. Check out AIAA titles available as eBooks through the following sellers:

AIAA Standards—Available to AIAA Student Members
Standards are a great way to learn about best practices and resource recommendations in the aerospace industry. If you are aspiring to become a leader in the field, you will need to know the latest standards in the global aerospace arena. We can help!

AIAA is a Standards Developing Organization and publishes both AIAA and ANSI standards.

For additional information, send an email inquiry to Nick Tongson .

Supplemental Materials
Connect at AIAA Forums and Regional Paper Conferences
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Many AIAA publications have supplemental materials such as software downloads, and errata that are useful to students. For a complete list of AIAA titles with supplemental material, please click here. Or, you may visit ARC and locate the page for the individual title in which you are interested. The Supplemental Materials box on the left hand side (under Prices and Related Publications) will indicate which supplemental materials are associated with each book.

AIAA forums provide students a great opportunity to present research, hone presentation skills, and network with other students and experts in their field. Some forums have student paper competitions in specific technical areas. For a list of AIAA forums currently accepting abstracts, click here. In addition, AIAA organizes Regional Student Paper Conferences.

Learn more about AIAA Student Membership, click here.