
Whether you are a professional, a student, or someone who is interested in the expanding field of aerospace research, AIAA has the resources to get the information you need to increase the validity of your data and amplify your studies.

Aerospace Research Central (ARC) is AIAA’s #1 tool for accessing information from the aerospace industry’s leading authors. Through ARC, you can access:

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Articles in Advance
Supplemental Material
Impact Factor

All journal articles appear online as soon as they are complete. You can access these articles immediately upon publication, before they are officially assigned to a volume and issue. Simply click on the Ahead of Issue link on each journal page to see new articles that are available.

Many AIAA publications have supplemental materials such as software downloads that are useful to researchers. For a complete list of AIAA book titles with supplemental material, please click here. Or, you may visit ARC and locate the page for the individual title in which you are interested. The Supplemental Materials box on the left hand side (under Prices and Related Publications) will indicate which supplemental materials are associated with each book. Journal authors also have the option of including supplemental materials with their articles; links to these materials will be visible within the listing of contents when supplemental materials are available.

AIAA’s uses Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for all its digital content. This unique identifier provides a persistent link to -the location of meeting papers, articles, and book chapters on the Internet. Registered with CrossRef, this citation-linking network covers over 68 million pieces of content and allows you to move from one work to another at the citation level, regardless of content type, title, or publisher.

To locate a DOI on ARC, simply add the DOI to the quick search box found at the top of ARC’s home page. To locate DOIs that are not AIAA publications, CrossRef provides a DOI search lookup at no charge.

Impact factor is one of several quantitative tools generated for journals using Thomson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current-year citations to the articles published in that journal during the previous two years. Within JCR, journals are organized by subject listings so that publications are viewed within the context of their specific fields.

All of AIAA’s current journals, with the exception of the Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer (JTHT), are ranked in the Engineering, Aerospace Sciences category. JTHT is ranked in the Engineering, Mechanical category and the Thermodynamics category. The Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics also is ranked within the Instruments and Instrumentation category. Current Impact Factor rankings can be found here.