In This Section

  • Call for Papers for Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Call for Papers for Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics

    17 April 2015

    Special Issue on “Computational Guidance and Control” A clear trend in the field of aerospace guidance and control has emerged in recent years in what we call “Computational Guidance and Control” (CG&C). In contrast to traditional guidance and control, CG&C has the following identifying trademarks: Guidance and control laws and controllers of fixed structures are

  • AIAA Celebrates National Volunteer Week – 2015 AIAA Celebrates National Volunteer Week – 2015

    17 April 2015

    National Volunteer Week, taking place 12–18 April 2015, is a time of celebration and inspiration, as non-profit organizations nationwide honor the thousands of individuals who take action throughout the year to help strengthen their communities. AIAA is grateful for the contributions you make to the Institute and the global aerospace community. Whether you are active

  • 19th Annual Design, Build, Fly Contest  Attracts Talented Engineering Students from All Over the World 19th Annual Design, Build, Fly Contest Attracts Talented Engineering Students from All Over the World

    16 April 2015

    by Hannah Godofsky, AIAA Communications The 19th annual Design, Build, Fly competition was held 10-12 April 2015 at TIMPA Airfield near Tucson, Arizona.  Sponsored in conjunction with Raytheon Missile Systems and Cessna Aircraft, the annual contest is held by AIAA in either Tucson or Wichita during alternating years.  This year’s contest welcomed over 650 students from

  • Fourth Annual California Aerospace Week A Success Fourth Annual California Aerospace Week A Success

    15 April 2015

    By Steve Sidorek, AIAA Public Policy Director This year’s California Aerospace Week, held 23–24 March in Sacramento, was co-hosted by AIAA and the Aerospace States Association, California Chapter. Elections in November 2014 brought a new wave of legislators to Sacramento and also triggered the formation of two new select committees on aerospace. These developments created an

  • Roy V. Harris to Receive AIAA 2015 Distinguished Service Award Roy V. Harris to Receive AIAA 2015 Distinguished Service Award

    31 March 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] Roy V. Harris to Receive AIAA 2015 Distinguished Service Award Honored for 58 Years of Service to AIAAMarch 31, 2015 – Reston, Va. – Roy V. Harris, an AIAA Fellow, and director of Aeronautics (retired) at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, has won the American Institute

  • Jean-Jacques Dordain to Receive the AIAA 2015 Goddard Astronautics Award Jean-Jacques Dordain to Receive the AIAA 2015 Goddard Astronautics Award

    30 March 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] Jean-Jacques Dordain to Receive the AIAA 2015 Goddard Astronautics Award Honored for Outstanding Vision and Leadership in Space ExplorationMarch 30, 2015 – Reston, Va. – Jean-Jacques Dordain, an AIAA Associate Fellow, and director general of the European Space Agency (ESA), Paris, France, has won the American Institute

  • Sandy Magnus and AIAA Wishes Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko Good Luck on Their One Year Mission to the ISS Sandy Magnus and AIAA Wishes Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko Good Luck on Their One Year Mission to the ISS

    27 March 2015

    “The AIAA community is excited about the upcoming one year mission to the ISS and look forward to following the adventures of Scott and Mikhail as they expand the boundaries of human knowledge and experience,” said Sandra Magnus, AIAA executive director and former astronaut. “Step by step we continue to move closer to extending the

  • The Honorable Ralph M. Hall to Receive the AIAA 2015 Public Service Award The Honorable Ralph M. Hall to Receive the AIAA 2015 Public Service Award

    16 March 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] The Honorable Ralph M. Hall to Receive the AIAA 2015 Public Service Award Honored for Outstanding Service to and Leadership of the U.S. Space ProgramMarch 16, 2015 – Reston, Va. – The Honorable Ralph M. Hall, U.S. Congressman (R-Texas 4th) (1981 – 2015), Rockwall, Texas, has won

  • Celebrating the Legacy of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Celebrating the Legacy of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

    12 March 2015

    By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) On the evening of 3 March, nearly 400 members of the aerospace community—representing government, industry, and academia—came together at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding, on 3 March 1915, of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the

  • Russel Cummings and Andreas Schuette Win AIAA 2015 International Cooperation Award Russel Cummings and Andreas Schuette Win AIAA 2015 International Cooperation Award

    9 March 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] Russell Cummings and Andreas Schuette Win AIAA 2015 International Cooperation Award Honored for Outstanding Leadership of an International Team Exploring Stability of Air and Sea VehiclesMarch 9, 2015 – Reston, Va. – Dr. Russell Cummings, an AIAA Associate Fellow, and a professor of aeronautics at the U.S.

  • AIAA Statement on Marion Blakey’s Departure from the Aerospsace Industries Association AIAA Statement on Marion Blakey’s Departure from the Aerospsace Industries Association

    25 February 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Statement on Marion Blakey’s Departure From the Aerospsace Industries AssociationFebruary 25, 2015 – Reston, Va. –The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Executive Director Sandra H. Magnus released the following statement congratulating Marion Blakey on her seven-year tenure as president and chief executive officer of

  • Purdue University Forms Industry Research Consortium to Create Temperature Control Technologies for Short-Burst Energy Systems Purdue University Forms Industry Research Consortium to Create Temperature Control Technologies for Short-Burst Energy Systems

    18 February 2015

    by Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) Purdue University has created the Center for Integrated Thermal Management of Aerospace Vehicles (CITMAV). The consortium is comprised of The Boeing Company, Rolls-Royce Corporation, Honeywell International Inc., and Lockheed Martin Corporation, along with academic partners from the University of Illinois, Wright State University, the University of Dayton, and the

  • To Space via Balloon To Space via Balloon

    17 February 2015

    by Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008–2017) From 10 April through 27 April, 193 teams from 44 countries will launch high altitude balloons as they take part in the Global Space Balloon Challenge. Each team will be vying to have their balloon soar the highest, take the best pictures of Earth, have the best on-board science

  • AIAA Supporting Humans to Mars Summit AIAA Supporting Humans to Mars Summit

    11 February 2015

    AIAA is pleased to announce its support for the Humans to Mars Summit (H2M), 5-7 May 2015, at George Washington University in Washington, DC.  As a member of AIAA, you will receive a special discount code to attend this important conference.  To learn more about H2M, and to register, please visit the H2M website at

  • AIAA Presents Awards at International Student Conference AIAA Presents Awards at International Student Conference

    23 January 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Foundation Presents Awards at International Student Conference Event Part of AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015January 23, 2015 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation recently presented four student awards as part of its International Student Conference, held

  • Alexander J Smits Appointed Editor in Chief of AIAA Journal Alexander J Smits Appointed Editor in Chief of AIAA Journal

    12 January 2015

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] (AIAA Communications, 2008-2017) Alexander J. Smits Appointed Editor-in-Chief of AIAA Journal January 12, 2015 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has selected Alexander J. Smits, an AIAA Fellow and the Eugene Higgins Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University,

  • AIAA Marks 111th Anniversary of Wright Brothers’ First Flight AIAA Marks 111th Anniversary of Wright Brothers’ First Flight

    17 December 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Marks 111th Anniversary of Wright Brothers’ First Flight Salutes the Innovative and Inspirational Thinking that Still Shapes the Future of AerospaceDecember 17, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) marks today’s 111th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first powered flight

  • AIAA SciTech 2015 Updates AIAA SciTech 2015 Updates

    16 December 2014

    AIAA SciTech 2015 Plenary Program Set George Whitesides, CEO, Virgin Galactic and The Spaceship Company, will share his thoughts and experiences on entrepreneurial aerospace; James N. Miller, President of Adaptive Strategies, LLC and former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, will address international sales, cooperation, export control, and more; Richard Christiansen, Vice President, Sierra Lobo, Inc.,

  • AIAA to Present Awards at AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition AIAA to Present Awards at AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition

    10 December 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA to Present Awards at AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition Awards Honor Achievements in Aerospace Design/Structures and Literary ExcellenceDecember 10, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will present awards honoring achievements in aerospace design/structures or literary excellence at

  • AIAA Statement on NASA’s Successful Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 Launch AIAA Statement on NASA’s Successful Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 Launch

    5 December 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Statement on NASA’s Successful Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 LaunchDecember 5, 2014 – Reston, Va – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) applauds the successful launch of NASA’s Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) today. As the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace

  • Distinguished Lecturers to Speak at AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exhibition Distinguished Lecturers to Speak at AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exhibition

    1 December 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] Distinguished Lecturers to Speak at AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition Lectures Recognize Achievement in Basic and Applied Research and Public Policy December 1, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is pleased to announce that two distinguished lecturers will

  • AIAA Science and Technology Forum to be Held in Kissimmee, Florida, January 5 – 9 AIAA Science and Technology Forum to be Held in Kissimmee, Florida, January 5 – 9

    25 November 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Science and Technology Forum to be Held in Kissimmee, Florida, 5–9 January World’s Largest Gathering of Aerospace Professionals to Draw More Than 3,000 AttendeesNovember 25, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will hold its Science and Technology Forum and

  • Satya N. Atluri Wins the 2015 AIAA Walter J. and Angeline H. Chrichlow Trust Priz Satya N. Atluri Wins the 2015 AIAA Walter J. and Angeline H. Chrichlow Trust Priz

    13 November 2014

    by Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) Satya N. Atluri, AIAA Fellow, and distinguished professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the Henry Samueli School Engineering, and director of the Center for Aerospace Research and Education at the University of California – Irvine, has been selected to receive the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AIAA)

  • Pumpkin Chuckin – Where Aerodynamics, Science, and Gourds Intersect Pumpkin Chuckin – Where Aerodynamics, Science, and Gourds Intersect

    13 November 2014

    by Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) Pumpkins can fly! Who Knew? The members of Team AIAA Greater Huntsville, that’s who. Composed of intrepid aerospace professionals from AIAA’s Greater Huntsville Section, the team took to the fields of Tate Farms in Meridianville, Alabama, to represent the section, and AIAA, in the farm’s “Pumpkin Blast 2014” competition,

  • Yvonne C. Brill’s Legacy Honored Yvonne C. Brill’s Legacy Honored

    16 October 2014

    By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2007-2018) On Tuesday, 30 September, the legacy – both personal and technical – of Yvonne C. Brill, AIAA Honorary Fellow, pioneer of satellite propulsion technology, inventor of the Hydrazine Resistojet, and champion of female engineers the world over, was honored by numerous speakers taking part in the opening segment of

  • Adam Steltzner Awarded Inaugural Yvonne C. Brill Lectureship Adam Steltzner Awarded Inaugural Yvonne C. Brill Lectureship

    16 October 2014

    By Duane Hyland, AAIA Communications (2008-2017) On Tuesday, 30 September, Adam Steltzner, Research and Design Engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, delivered the inaugural Yvonne C. Brill Lecture to a standing-room-only crowd in the lecture hall of the National Academy of Engineering in Washington, DC. Established by AIAA and the National Academy of

  • Aerospace Design – Now a Game that the Whole Classroom Can Play! Aerospace Design – Now a Game that the Whole Classroom Can Play!

    16 October 2014

    By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) The frequent complaints given in classrooms across our nation for a lack of interest in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics is “they’re boring.” “They’re boring” is soon followed by “and complicated.” VSI Aerospace hopes that its brand new creation, the DAVinCI Flight Game will change all of that. “DAVinCI

  • SciTech 2015 is Right Around the Corner – Make Sure You?re Going to Be There! SciTech 2015 is Right Around the Corner – Make Sure You?re Going to Be There!

    16 October 2014

    By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) Recently, I sat down with George Lesieutre, Professor and Head of the Pennsylvania State University’s Department of Aerospace Engineering, and General Chair of the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech 2015) to discuss the upcoming event that takes place 5–9 January 2015, at the Gaylord Palms


    14 October 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Associate Fellows Class of 2015 “Associate Fellows” shall be persons who have accomplished or been in charge of important engineering or scientific work, or who have done original work of outstanding merit, or who have otherwise made outstanding contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of

  • Greg F. Naterer Appointed Editor-in-Chief of AIAA’s Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Greg F. Naterer Appointed Editor-in-Chief of AIAA’s Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

    8 October 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] October 8, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has selected Greg F. Naterer, AIAA Associate Fellow, and dean of the faculty of engineering and applied science and professor of mechanical engineering at Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, as its


    6 October 2014

    MARRIOTT WAIKOLOA SOUTH KOHALA – ISLAND OF HAWAII 9–13 November 2014 Early Bird Deadline: 10 October 2015 The State of Hawaii will be hosting a multinational conference on the Big Island of Hawaii to explore options for developing sustainable pathways to space, with an emphasis on leveraging our Moon’s strategic assets (e.g., near-Earth location, diverse

  • The AIAA Foundation Announces the Winners of Its 2013 – 2014 Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition The AIAA Foundation Announces the Winners of Its 2013 – 2014 Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition

    24 September 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] The AIAA Foundation Announces the Winners of Its 2013-2014 Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design CompetitionSeptember 24, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation has announced the winners of its 2013 – 2014 Undergraduate Team Aircraft Design Competition.. The 2013 – 2014

  • AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of its 2013 – 2014 Undergraduate Team Space Transportation Design AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of its 2013 – 2014 Undergraduate Team Space Transportation Design

    16 September 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of its 2013 – 2014 Undergraduate Team Space Transportation Design CompetitionSeptember 16, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its annual Undergraduate Team Space Transportation Design Competition.The 2014 –

  • AIAA Associate Fellow Steven Nagel Died in August AIAA Associate Fellow Steven Nagel Died in August

    15 September 2014

    In Memoriam: Steven Nagel, AIAA Associate Fellow By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) Former astronaut and professor of mechanical engineering Steven Nagel passed away on 21 August. He was 67. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Nagel received a commission in the United States Air Force through the universities Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

  • Four AIAA Young Professionals Recognized by Aviation Week Four AIAA Young Professionals Recognized by Aviation Week

    15 September 2014

    by Lawrence Garrett, AIAA Web Editor One of the primary missions of the Institute is to support and help foster the next generation of leaders who will shape the aerospace industry, as well as the future of their organizations, for decades to come. For this reason the Institute recognizes and celebrates four extraordinary AIAA young professionals

  • AIAA Foundation Presents Graduate Awards AIAA Foundation Presents Graduate Awards

    12 September 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: AIAA Communications [email protected] September 12, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the AIAA Foundation are pleased to announce the recipients of the AIAA Foundation’s four Graduate Awards for the 2014–2015 academic year. Each year the AIAA Foundation presents Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate

  • AIAA Announces Candidates for 2015 Board of Directors Election AIAA Announces Candidates for 2015 Board of Directors Election

    2 September 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA ANNOUNCES CANDIDATES FOR 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION September 3, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is pleased to announce that its Nominating Committee has selected candidates for next year’s openings on the AIAA Board of Directors. The Committee’s

  • AIAA Foundation Announces Winner of 2013-2014 Undergraduate Team Engine Design Competition AIAA Foundation Announces Winner of 2013-2014 Undergraduate Team Engine Design Competition

    20 August 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Foundation Announces Winners of 2013-2014 Undergraduate Team Engine Design Competition Top Honors Won by Team from University of KansasAugust 20, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Foundation is pleased to announce the winners of the AIAA Foundation/American Society of

  • Robert D. Braun Selected as Editor-in-Chief of AIAA’s Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Robert D. Braun Selected as Editor-in-Chief of AIAA’s Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets

    18 August 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] August 18, 2014 – – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has selected Robert D. (Bobby) Braun, AIAA Fellow, and David and Andrew Lewis Professor of Space Technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, to succeed E. Vincent Zoby as the editor-in-chief of

  • 19 August is National Aviation Day 19 August is National Aviation Day

    18 August 2014

    Tuesday, August 19th, the anniversary of the birth of Orville Wright, is National Aviation Day. The day honors all who work in aviation and aerospace, and commemorates the sacrifices of the early aviation pioneers who first dared to prove that powered flight was possible. “Aviation has transformed our world – from bringing people closer together,

  • AIAA Twitter Contest Results August 2014 AIAA Twitter Contest Results August 2014

    14 August 2014

    In an effort to share the highlights of our Forums with the public, and to increase the Institute’s visibility via social media, AIAA sponsored Twitter contests at both our Propulsion and Energy Forum in Cleveland, and at the SPACE 2014 Forum in San Diego, this past July and August, respectively. Anyone attending the conference who

  • Five AIAA Student Members Named Tau Beta Pi Scholars Five AIAA Student Members Named Tau Beta Pi Scholars

    14 August 2014

    Five AIAA student members have been named Tau Beta Pi scholars. The awards, given by the national engineering honorary fraternity, recognize the recipients’ “high scholarship, campus leadership and service, and promise of future contributions to the engineering profession.” The AIAA Student Members who received the awards are: Craig C. Babiarz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,

  • Dr. Asad M Madni Named Tau Beta Pi Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Asad M Madni Named Tau Beta Pi Distinguished Alumnus

    14 August 2014

    by Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017) Tau Beta Pi (TBΠ) national engineering honorary fraternity has named Asad M. Madni, a Distinguished Alumni. Madni, an AIAA Lifetime Fellow, is Executive Managing Director and Chief Technical Officer at Crocker Capital; Corporate Director and “Distinguished Professor” at TCI College of Technology in New York, New York; and an

  • John P. Mayo Made Fellow of Tau Beta Pi John P. Mayo Made Fellow of Tau Beta Pi

    14 August 2014

    AIAA Communications The national engineering honorary fraternity, Tau Beta Pi (TBΠ), recently installed AIAA Student Member John P. Mayo of College Station, Texas, as a Fife Fellow. Mayo, graduated from Texas A&M University in May, and now attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where is pursuing a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with an area

  • Societal Benefits of Space Exploration and Development to be Highlighted at AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum in San Diego Societal Benefits of Space Exploration and Development to be Highlighted at AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum in San Diego

    23 July 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] Societal Benefits of Space Exploration and Development to be Highlighted at AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum in San Diego Economic Impact of Space Development, Mars Exploration, the Future of the Satellite Industry and Space Systems Cybersecurity Among Discussion TopicsJuly 24, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American

  • To All Who Made Apollo 11 Successful – AIAA Thanks You To All Who Made Apollo 11 Successful – AIAA Thanks You

    17 July 2014

    On July 20, the world will pause to celebrate the 45th anniversary of man’s first landing on the moon, rightfully saluting Neil Armstrong (AIAA Honorary Fellow); Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin (AIAA Fellow); and Michael Collins (AIAA Fellow), hailing them for their bravery and courage in twice traversing the wine-dark sea of space to successfully complete the

  • Peter J. Garland to Receive 2014 AIAA Aerospace Communications Award Peter J. Garland to Receive 2014 AIAA Aerospace Communications Award

    8 July 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] Peter J. Garland to Receive 2014 AIAA Aerospace Communications Award Honored for Technical Management Contributions to the Advancement of Space and Ground TechnologyJuly 8, 2014 – Reston, Va. – Mr. Peter J. Garland, director, advanced programs, MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.,(TSX:MDA) St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, Canada

  • AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014 to be Held in Cleveland, Ohio AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014 to be Held in Cleveland, Ohio

    7 July 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014 to be Held in Cleveland, Ohio Future of Power and Energy Systems, Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, High Energy Systems Among Discussion TopicsJuly 7, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will hold its Propulsion and

  • ICAO Official: Airliner Tracking Not So Hard ICAO Official: Airliner Tracking Not So Hard

    25 June 2014

    By Ben Iannotta, Aerospace America editor-in-chief In a world of few easy solutions, a senior official from the U.N.’s International Civil Aviation Organization said there’s a straightforward answer to the question of how to track aircraft as they cross the world’s oceans. Most airliners – including the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that disappeared in March – are

  • AIAA to Present Awards at Propulsion and Energy Forum AIAA to Present Awards at Propulsion and Energy Forum

    20 June 2014

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: DUANE HYLAND 703.264.7558 [email protected] AIAA to Present Awards at Propulsion and Energy ForumJune 20, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will celebrate technical achievements in propulsion and energy systems at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon on July 30 as part of the AIAA Propulsion and