ASCENDxSummit: National Security Space 17 September 2020 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) Virtual

The ASCENDxSummits are FREE and open to the public!

Meet with leaders from across industry, academia, and government to discuss the future of National Security Space priorities and policies. Following the keynote address by Steve Isakowitz, President and CEO of the Aerospace Corporation and a member of the ASCEND Guiding Coalition, interactive panels and workshops will focus on acquisition and innovation, cybersecurity and digital engineering, architectures and infrastructure, and more. This event will also feature a networking and engagement zone devoted to learning about partnership opportunities for launching payloads into space.

Attend a half-day interdisciplinary event featuring lectures, panels, and workshops that will help you stay up to date on trends and technology and form partnerships that will advance space commerce, exploration, and discovery.

ASCEND event registrants will be automatically registered for the ASCENDxSummits and will have exclusive access to additional content.

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