ASCENDxWebinar: Preview: Mars Perseverance Landing 10 February 2021 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Online



 On Demand Recording Available

One week before the scheduled landing of the Perseverance Rover on Mars, we invite you to join the ASCEND community for an exclusive briefing with members of the NASA mission, science, and technical team.

This 60-minute livestream broadcast will take place on 10 February, 1000–1100 hrs ET USA.

Underwritten by

The briefing will preview these mission highlights:

  • The complex Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) sequence of maneuvers to position Perseverance in the Jezero Crater
  • The first flight of the Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity
  • Digging into the Martian surface for soil, rocks, and core samples to return to Earth on a future mission
  • Making oxygen from the Martian atmosphere
  • Plus live Q&A

 Register for Replay

Who should attend?

Everyone with a professional, academic or even general interest in accelerating space commerce, exploration and new discovery will gain insight and inspiration from attending this exclusive ASCENDxWebinar.

How does it work?

This ASCENDxWebinar will be presented in three topic segments — Flight, EDL and Surface Ops, followed by a Q&A period. Total program time is 60 minutes. Register to attend, and we’ll send you a link for full access.

What will you learn?

Perseverance is a complex, multi-faceted mission to deepen our understanding of Mars. This webinar will deepen your understanding of the technical, scientific and engineering challenges of the mission.

What does it cost?

This ASCENDxWebinar is FREE to attend.