Code of Ethics
We, the members of AIAA, accept the personal responsibility to our profession and the communities we serve, and in recognition of our mission to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, technology, operations, and policy to benefit global society, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct as outlined in the Code of Ethics below:
General Ethical Expectations
- A. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of their duties.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Recognize that the lives, safety, health, and welfare of the public are dependent upon professional judgments, decisions, and ethical practices.
Report suspected violations of this element of the code to the proper authority and cooperate in furnishing further information and assistance as required.
Professional Integrity
- B. Avoid real and perceived conflicts of interest.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Ensure that technical contributions are not compromised or biased by a conflict of interest or other inappropriate influences.
Inform employers, clients, or other professional associates of any relationships, interests, or circumstances that could influence, or could be perceived to influence, your judgment.
Issue no statements, criticisms, arguments, or professional opinions that are paid for by interested parties, unless it is indicated on whose behalf those statements are made.
Avoid any appearance of impropriety.
- C. Act as an honest and fair agent in all professional interactions.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Protect the proprietary interests or confidences concerning the business affairs or technical processes of current and former employers, clients, and colleagues except where disclosure or reporting is
required by law, or consent granted.
Charge fairly for services rendered and fulfill obligations as agreed – honoring contracts, agreements, and assigned responsibilities.
Do not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for the same service without the consent of all interested parties.
- D. Reject bribery, fraud, and corruption in all their forms and avoid unlawful conduct in professional activities.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Comply with public law and regulation.
Do not knowingly engage in business or professional practices of a fraudulent, dishonest, or unethical nature.
- E. Properly credit the contributions of others, accept and offer honest and constructive criticism of technical work, and acknowledge and correct errors promptly.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Acknowledge and recognize the contributions of colleagues, taking care that credit for professional work and accomplishments are given to those to whom credit is properly due.
Accurately present and explain one’s work and its merit and avoid any act that would promote personal interests at the expense of the integrity, honor, and dignity of the profession.
Do not maliciously or indiscriminately criticize the work of another.
Perform comprehensive and thorough evaluations of technical work, addressing potential impacts and including analysis of possible risks.
- F. Issue statements or present information in an objective and truthful manner, based on available data.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Reject all forms of research or testing misconduct and report all misconduct including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism when it is observed.
Do not disseminate misleading, unsubstantiated, or exaggerated claims regarding technical matters.
Be objective, truthful, and complete in professional statements, professional reports, or expert testimony.
Express professional opinions only when founded on a background of technical competence.
In speaking or writing, do not infer in any way that you are doing so on behalf of an organization (including AIAA) unless explicitly authorized to do so.
- G. Undertake only those tasks for which one is qualified by training or experience, or for which one can reasonably become qualified with proper preparation, education, and training.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Do not perform engineering services dealing with subject matter outside areas of expertise by virtue of education or experience.
Do not falsify or permit misrepresentation of academic or professional qualifications or experience.
Personal Conduct
- H. Treat all persons with respect, fairness, and dignity, and never engage in any form of harassment or discrimination.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Equally treat all persons fairly and with respect without regard to race, color, creed, gender, religion, age, national origin, citizenship status, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender
identify, gender expression, disability, or any other protected status.
Never engage in any form of harassment, whether verbal, visual, or physical, including sexual harassment or bullying.
Promote fair and unbiased opportunities for all.
- I. Avoid harming others, their property, their reputations, or their employment through false or malicious statements or through unlawful or otherwise wrongful actions.
Examples/Elaborations include but are not limited to the following:
- Do not maliciously injure the professional reputation, prospects, or practice of another.
Protect the proprietary interests or confidences concerning the business affairs or technical processes of current and former employers and colleagues except where disclosure or reporting is required by law, or consent granted.
Do not retaliate against those who make lawful reports about contraventions of law, regulation, health, or safety.
Adopted 15 June 2024
Recommendations, Criticisms, and Questions
Any AIAA member or non-member may submit a written, recommendation, criticism, or question. These may be submitted to Emily Springer, AIAA Ethics Committee Liaison, to the address or email
Reporting Ethical Misconduct
All AIAA members should report observed, suspected, or apparent ethical misconduct in accordance with the Code of Ethics and the Ethics Committee procedures . If an individual is unsure whether a suspected incident falls within the definition of ethical misconduct,
he or she may contact the Ethics Committee (EC) Staff Liaison for clarification.
All allegations of ethical misconduct shall be addressed in writing to the Chair of the AIAA Ethics Committee. The complaint shall specify the section of the AIAA Code of Ethics that is alleged to have been violated. It shall state the facts of the alleged violation and provide any available evidence in support of the allegations.
These may be submitted either by email to Karen Thomas, AIAA Ethics Committee Liaison:, or submitted by mail to:
AIAA Ethics Committee
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200
Reston, Virginia 20191-5807
Attn: Karen Thomas, AIAA Ethics Committee Liaison
These complaints shall be recorded as being received, acknowledged, and forwarded to the current Chair of the AIAA Ethics Committee for consideration. All communications shall be kept confidential.