June 2014 Momentum

In This Section

June 2014
Successful AVIATION Forum Wraps Up in Atlanta
AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition Took Place 16-20 June

More than 2,200 attendees representing industry, academia, and government – from 41 states and 46 countries – gathered in Atlanta, GA, 16-20 June for an insightful, timely, and well-attended AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AVIATION 2014). The Forum kicked off Monday, 16 June with a keynote address on "The Global Economic Impact of the F-35 Lightning II Program," by Orlando Carvalho, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. A number of other headlines were made during sessions at the Forum, including: "Partnering with governments for UAS success,” "Collective effort needed to tackle aviation’s challenges," "FAA: New tech, fuels necessary for cleaner future," "Supply chains: Quality is job 1,” "Unmanned test site winners pledge cooperation," and “Integrating the world’s air transportation systems,” among others.

The Forum featured another insightful keynote address on Thursday, 19 June, called "NextGen Implementation Challenges and Opportunities in an International Context,” which was presented by Michael G. Whitaker, deputy administrator, Federal Aviation Administration, and showcased a number of timely panel discussions, including, “Aviation’s Challenges & Opportunities – Georgia’s Global Perspectives,” “Aviation’s Challenges & Opportunties – Perspectives from Brazil & China,” and “Creating a Successful Commercial UAS Business Environment – Challenges & Opportunties,” in addition to many others.

AIAA AVIATION 2014 Headlines >
AIAA AVIATION 2014 Photo Gallery >
Recorded Keynotes and Panels >

Plan now for AVIATION 2015, 22–26 June 2015 in Dallas, TX!

Paul Rodriguez-Garcia Wins AVIATION 2014 Twitter Contest

AIAA congratulates Dr. Paul Rodriguez-Garcia, from the University of Southampton’s Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, for winning AIAA’s AVIATION 2014 Twitter contest. Rodriguez-Garcia posted 175 original tweets during the Forum, earning first place and an iPad Mini. Coming in second place was Oliver Leembruggen, senior test engineer at Booz Allen Hamilton, who posted 160 tweets. Finishing third with 121 tweets was Tucker Lavin, an engineer at Sandia National Laboratories. Both Leembruggen and Lavin earned VISA gift cards for their efforts. Over 50 active Tweeters tweeted over 1,000 times throughout AVIATION 2014. AIAA thanks all who participated in the contest.


AIAA Celebrates Achievements in Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems at AIAA AVIATION 2014

AIAA celebrated technical achievements in aircraft and atmospheric systems at an awards luncheon on 19 June, as part of AIAA AVIATION 2014, which took place 16–20 June in Atlanta, GA. The honorees included The Boeing 787 Dreamliner Team; Steven H. Walker, AIAA Fellow and deputy director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); John I. Erdos, AIAA Associate Fellow and president and chief executive officer (retired), GASL, Inc.; Robert A. Canfield, AIAA Associate Fellow and professor and assistant department head, aerospace and ocean engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and Mark D. Maughmer, AIAA Associate Fellow and professor, aerospace engineering, The Pennsylvania State University. (Click image for AIAA AVIATION photo album on flickr)

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Call for Board of Directors Nominations Now Open
Nominations will be accepted through Monday, 28 July 2014

The 2014–2015 AIAA Nominating Committee will meet in August 2014 to review nominees and select candidates to participate in the 2015 Board of Directors election to fill the following vacancies: President-Elect (1-year term followed by 2 years as President); Vice President-Elect, Education (1-year term followed by 3 years as Vice President, Education); Vice President-Elect, Public Policy (1-year term followed by 3 years as Vice President, Public Policy); Director–Technical, Aerospace Design and Structures Group (3-year term); Director–Technical, Aerospace Sciences Group (3-year term); Director–Region II (3-year term); Director–Region III (3-year term); Director–Region VI (3-year term); and Director–At-Large (3-year term); Director–At-Large, International (3-year term).

With the nomination system now open, AIAA voting members in good standing may nominate any AIAA member in good standing for any of those positions by submitting a nomination through the AIAA website. Nominations will be accepted through Monday, 28 July 2014. To access the nomination system, visit www.aiaa.org/BoDNomination. Your participation in determining AIAA's future is appreciated!

AIAA Mourns the Death of Past President Allen E. Puckett

AIAA mourns the death of Allen E. Puckett, AIAA Honorary Fellow, president of the Institute from 1972 to 1973, and chairman, emeritus, of Hughes Aircraft Company. Puckett passed away on 31 March 2014, in Pacific Palisades, CA. He was 94 years old.

“We mourn the passing of Allen Puckett, whose contributions made so much of what we take for granted today possible – from supersonic flight, to the ability to put humans on the lunar surface, to the ability to watch live TV,” said Jim Albaugh, AIAA director-immediate past president.

(Pictured: Allen E. Puckett, AIAA Honorary Fellow, president of the Institute from 1972 to 1973. Credit: CalTech)
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AIAA to Present Awards at Propulsion and Energy Forum

AIAA will celebrate technical achievements in propulsion and energy systems at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon on 30 July as part of the AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition, set for 28–30 July at the Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, OH. The honorees are Ashwani Gupta, William E. Lear, Frederick L. Dryer, and Roger Myers. Best papers will also be recognized with a certificate of merit.

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aiaa-propulsionenergy.org/Recognition >

Bill Escher, AIAA Associate Fellow, Passes Away

Bill Escher, AIAA Associate Fellow, and AIAA Member Emeritus, passed away at his Huntsville, Alabama, home on the morning of 12 May. Escher was 82.

Escher began his aerospace career in the U.S. Army as a countdown officer for the Vanguard rocket program. He went on to be employed by NASA, serving at the Lewis Research Center (now NASA Glenn Research Center), the Marshall Space Flight Center, and NASA Headquarters. After his NASA career, Escher worked for various aerospace firms including North American Rockwell and Rocketdyne, Astronautics Corporation of America, and SAIC.

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Conferences and Events
Opportunities Are Waiting for You at Propulsion & Energy
28–20 July 2014

From keynotes and panel discussions to peer networking and technical sessions, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2014 provides you with unparalleled opportunities to discuss propulsion and energy at every level, in one place, in three days.

The forum will provide actionable future-focused insights into critical challenges and opportunities facing the global aerospace propulsion and energy community, including:

  • Advanced technology architecture, the art of the possible;
  • Systems management and development, the view from users;
  • Impact of technology on manufacturing, platforms, and future systems; and
  • Spread the Word. Tweet. Like on Facebook. Share on LinkedIn. Email a colleague. Do it all with the social media links found on every page.
  • Research and technology, the new development paradigm.

Register today. Visit www.aiaa-propulsionenergy.org!

Rising Leaders in Aerospace Forum

At the upcoming Propulsion and Energy Forum there will be a Rising Leaders in Aerospace Forum. This event, sponsored by Ohio Aerospace Institute, will have two very interesting sessions for students and younger professionals.

The first event will be a town hall like event with various leaders in industry fielding questions on the future of propulsion, space technologies, what projects are out there to motivate young engineers, and more. The title is “Where is MY Apollo Vision for the Future?” The theme revolves around finding that great project, or projects, that are available today to inspire people the way the Apollo program did for engineers in the 60s.

The second event is a discussion about Branding Yourself. Do you think of yourself as a brand like superstars and celebrities do? Maybe you should. This session will discuss how you can present yourself in an all-encompassing manner to get the most out of your career.

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Participation is Power
4–7 August, San Diego, CA

AIAA SPACE 2014, set for 4–7 August in San Diego, will give you a 360-degree view of the impacts of space activity on society. Focused on "Connecting, Protecting, and Enhancing a Global Society," This forum will connect you with the researchers, engineers and experts who are driving our industry forward.

The forum will convene a global conversation around the important role our community plays in:

  • Enabling a connected culture;
  • Monitoring our planet;
  • Expanding boundaries beyond Earth; and
  • Advancing technology and innovation to address worldwide opportunities.

The forum also includes a robust technical program featuring more than 500 papers in 13 technical tracks. Join us and more than 600 others like you from more than 30 countries. Learn more at www.aiaa-space.org!

ICSSC Colloquium
4 August, El Segundo, CA

On Monday, 4 August 2014, the day prior to the AIAA SPACE Forum, the Technical Committee on Communications Systems will present a separate, full-day Colloquium exploring the special topic of “Next Generation Broadband Satcom.” This Colloquium is being organized by its Chair, Robert Frueholz, Ph.D., The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California. Colloquium attendance requires separate registration from the conference.

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Develop Skills You Can Use Now

This summer, let AIAA Continuing Education courses pave the way to your future success!

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IAC 2014 to Showcase North American Space Accomplishments

AIAA is proud to be a supporter of the 65th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), the world’s premier space event, which takes place 29 September–3 October 2014, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario. This event is hosted by the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) and organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). AIAA is a founding member of IAF and has a long history of collaboration with CASI as a sister society.

Focusing on the theme “Our World Needs Space,” the IAC will highlight the ways that space activities help to meet our needs on Earth and the global and collaborative nature of our industry, with a special focus on the capabilities and accomplishments of the two North American spacefaring nations ― the United States and Canada.

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New AIAA Guide for Terrestrial Environment Available for Public Review

Revised ANSI/AIAA Guide Now Available
The AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Committee on Standards has revised the Guide to Reference and Standard and Ionosphere Models (ANSI/AIAA G-034A-2014), which focuses on ionospheric models covering the altitude range from the Earth’s surface to approximately 10,000 kilometers. The guide summarizes the principal features of the models, which are grouped according to whether they describe primarily global, regional, or special properties:

  • Model content
  • Model uncertainties and limitations
  • Basis of the model
  • Database or model input parameters
  • Publication references
  • Dates of development, authors, and sponsors
  • Model codes and sources

The proliferation of models and the lack of documentation have hindered general knowledge of their availability as well as their relative strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. The intent of this guide is to compile, in one reference, practical information about known and available ionospheric models—those that describe the physical properties and practical effects of the ionosphere as a function of altitude, latitude, and other key parameters. The guide is intended to assist scientists as well as communication and space system designers and developers, among others, in understanding available models, comparing sources of data, and interpreting engineering and scientific results based on different ionospheric models. Standards are free to AIAA members; download a copy today!

Call for Nominations for the Excellence in Aerospace Standardization Award Due 1 July

Recognize the achievements of your standards colleagues by nominating them for the Excellence in Aerospace Standardization Award! This biennial award honors contributions by individuals who advance the health of the aerospace community by enabling cooperation, competition, and growth through the standardization process. Such individuals may have been committee chairs, project leaders, or industry executives; the award is intended to recognize substantive accomplishment. Any AIAA member in good standing may be a nominator; please review the award guidelines for nominee eligibility, letters of endorsement, and page limits. AIAA members may submit nominations online after logging in with their username and password, where you will be guided step-by-step through the process. Paper entries are also acceptable. For more information, please contact Carol Stewart, Manager, AIAA Honors and Awards, at carols@aiaa.org.

Honors & Awards
Paul E. Dimotakis Wins AIAA 2014 Fluid Dynamics Award
Honored for Fundamental Contributions to Turbulent Mixing and Combustion

Paul E. Dimotakis, AIAA Fellow, and John K. Northrop Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and professor of applied physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, has won the AIAA 2014 Fluid Dynamics Award. Dimotakis received the award at an awards luncheon on 17 June, as part of the AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2014, June 16–20, at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA.

Full Story >

Stamatios M. Krimigis Wins AIAA 2014 James A. Van Allen Space Environments Award
Honored for Pioneering Studies of the Radiation Environment Around all Solar System Planets

Stamatios M. “Tom” Krimigis, an AIAA Fellow, and emeritus head, Space Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APU), Laurel, MD, has won the AIAA 2014 James A. Van Allen Space Environments Award. Krimigis received the award at the AIAA Mid-Atlantic Section 2014 Awards Banquet on 10 June, in Baltimore, MD.

Full Story >

Faculty Advisor Award Nominations
Membership Advancements

The Faculty Advisor Award is presented to the officially recognized faculty advisor of a chartered AIAA Student Branch who has made outstanding contributions as a student branch faculty advisor, as evidenced by the record of his or her student branch in local, regional, and national activities. This annual award is generally presented at the AIAA Science and Technology (SCITECH) Forum.

Nomination Deadline: 1 July

Nominate your faculty advisor. Please contact Carol Stewart or Rachel Andino with any questions or concerns.

Learn More > (Requires log in)

Member Spotlight
AIAA Congratulates Cheryl Blomberg

The Member Spotlight turned west this month, shining through the Rocky Mountains and falling on Boulder, Colorado, to single out Cheryl Blomberg, AIAA student member and Student Liaison to the AIAA Board of Directors.

Blomberg is a graduate research assistant at the University of Colorado – Boulder, and recently served as the Lead Testing and Safety Engineer on the University’s “GoJett” program – a supersonic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is being designed and built by CU graduate students.

Prior to that, Blomberg was a Fellow at the Center for Space Nuclear Research. Besides serving as the current student liaison to the board, Blomberg has also been part of AIAA’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) K-12 Outreach Committee. Blomberg is leaving Colorado, to take a position at MIT Lincoln Laboratories in Boston, Massachusetts.

(Pictured: Cheryl Blomberg, AIAA student member and Student Liaison to the AIAA Board of Directors)
Full Story >

Featured Products
Hot Off the Press

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Innovation at the Naval Research Laboratory

Jay Gundlach; Richard J. Foch
Hardback – AIAA Education Series
ISBN: 978-1-62410-259-2

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Innovation at the Naval Research Laboratory recounts the previously untold story of unmanned aircraft research and development at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Vehicle Research Section (VRS). It features vehicles that have charted the course of unmanned aircraft history in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

AIAA Member Price: $54.95
List Price: $69.95

Visit AIAA's Aerospace Research Central (ARC) > today!

Book of the Month

Introduction to the Design of Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicles Including Three Case Studies

Sergey V. Shkarayev; Peter G. Ifju; James C. Kellogg; Thomas J. Mueller
Hardback – AIAA Education Series
ISBN: 978-1-60086-861-0

This intriguing book breaks new ground on an emerging subject that has attracted considerable attention: the use of unmanned micro air vehicles (MAVs) to conduct special, limited-duration missions. Significant advances in the miniaturization of electronics make it now possible to use vehicles of this type in a detection or surveillance role to carry visual, acoustic, chemical, or biological sensors.

AIAA Member Sale Price: $44.95
List Price: $84.95

Visit AIAA's Aerospace Research Central (ARC) > today!

Quick Takes
June Trivia

Trivia Question
What aviation milestone was first achieved on 23 June 2001?

Trivia Answer >

June Aerospace America Digital Magazine Now Online

The June 2014 issue of Aerospace America is now available online for AIAA members. Don’t miss this month's cover story, “Putting Out the Fires,” by Debra Werner, in which she discusses the work being done by five U.S. companies to turn former airliners and military planes into commercial airtankers in time to make a difference this year. As Werner writes, “The coming months could mark a turning point in what has been a long effort by the Forest Service, Congress and the White House to reconstitute the commercial fleet as the backbone of the U.S. firefighting capability.”

To access the June issue of Aerospace America visit www.aiaa.org/myaiaa, log in, and navigate to “Access Publications & Materials” and select “Aerospace America.”

AIAA in the News

20 June 2014
Georgia Well Positioned to be Player in UAV Industry, Say Experts at AIAA AVIATION 2014
Savannah Morning News–Georgia is Prepared to be a Player When the Drone Industry Takes Off

20 June 2014
AIAA Greater Huntsville Section to Participate in NASA Marshall's 'NASA on the Square' Event
Space Ref – NASA on the Square' Bringing Marshall Space Flight Center to Downtown Huntsville, Alabama

19 June 2014
Students in Pakistan Fly Country's First Solar Powered UAV at AIAA Competition
The International News – Air University Students Fly Solar Energy-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

More AIAA in the News >

Contact Us

Contact the Editor of AIAA Momentum – News to Accelerate the Aerospace Profession.
Submit story ideas.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the world's largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession.  
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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