Richard Kamin Senior Scientific Technical Manager: Energy and Fuels Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division


Mr. Kamin currently serves as the lead for the Naval Aviation Operational Energy Program and as the NAVAIR Aviation Fuels and Lubricants Technical Warrant Holder. His responsibilities include Technical Authority for Navy and Marine Corps aviation fuels and lubricants and direction of the Navy’s Aircraft Operation Energy and Tactical Fuels programs.

From 2010-2016, Mr. Kamin led both the Navy’s Task Force Energy Aviation Operation Energy and Tactical Fuels Working Groups. Under his guidance the Tactical Fuels Working Group developed systematic synthetic fuel qualification protocols and successfully tested and qualified multiple synthetic fuel processes for both Naval Aircraft and Ship applications. In addition, the WG successfully led the first operational fleet demonstration of a synthetic fuel in 2012. The Aviation Operational Energy Working Group successfully developed and demonstrated multiple air vehicle and engine efficiency technologies and implemented operational best practices to enhance mission capability through more energy efficient operations.

From 2006-2009, Mr. Kamin served as the Tactical Energy Plans, Policies and Technologies Lead for the Chief of Naval Operations Fleet Readiness Division. Responsibilities included management of the Operational Energy portfolio, the development of the Navy's Alternative Fuels Program and the framework that led to the implementation of the Navy’s Task Force Energy.

From 2001 to 2006, Mr. Kamin served as Navy Fuels Team Lead. Responsibilities included the technical direction of the Navy’s In-service Engineering and RDT&E programs. Under his direction the team provided technical support to the Fleet, Program Offices and IPTs. In addition, the team developed and demonstrated the performance and durability impacts of fuel properties/chemistry on Naval aircraft and ships, as well as technical advancements in areas of fuels prognostics and diagnostics, fuel handling/filtration and aircraft ground refueling.

In 2000, Mr. Kamin served as Mobility Fuels Manager for the Chief of Naval Operations Energy Plans and Policies Office. Responsibilities included the development and chartering of the Navy-wide Naval Fuels and Lubricants Cross Functional Team.

Mr. Kamin holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Lehigh University.

Mr. Kamin was inducted into the NAVAIR Technical Fellows Program in 2001, was selected as a full Fellow in 2004 and as an Esteemed Fellow in 2011. He holds one U.S. Patent and has authored over 60 technical papers. He is a member of the ASTM D2 Petroleum Products and Lubricants Committee, Coordinating Research Council Aviation Fuel Steering Committee, International Association for the Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels Steering Committee, NATO Fuels and Lubricants WG, Five Eyes Air Forces Interoperability Council Aviation Fuels and Lubricants WG, Tri-Service POL Users Group Steering Committee, and Chairs the Naval Fuels and Lubricants Cross Functional Team.