Thomas Rötger Assistant Director Environment Technology IATA

Dr. Thomas Rötger joined IATA in 2008 as Assistant Director Environment Technology. His main activities are monitoring and evaluating environmentally friendly technology solutions, climate change risks and adaptation means, and developing environmental standards in aviation. He is a member of several working groups of ICAO’s Committee for Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP), including the Long-Term Aspirational Climate Goal Task Group, as well as the working groups on noise, operations, impact science and formerly emissions and alternative fuels. He also led the first phase of IATA’s sustainable fuels initiative. He is rapporteur of the Environment and Energy working group in the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE). From 1988 to 2008 he worked at Airbus in Toulouse and Hamburg, with a focus on noise and emissions reduction, cabin technology and airport compatibility. He studied physics and chemistry in Heidelberg (Germany), Hamburg (Germany) and Grenoble (France) and holds a doctoral degree in physics.