Forum 360: Exploring NASA Aeronautics Innovations for Transforming Aviation 3 August 2021 1400 - 1530

NASA Aeronautics is committed to innovation throughout the research lifecycle from ideation to technology transition. There are a number of activities across the Aeronautics portfolio where innovation is proving to be a key component of successful implementation, including research initiatives, technology development, and how we work with our partners. Join NASA project leadership and subject-matter experts from across the Aeronautics portfolio as they discuss how they are currently embracing innovation as part of their management philosophy and adopting these tenets into their management decision making.
  • Barbara-Esker-2023 Barbara Esker
    Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Missions, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, NASA
  • Vanessa-Aubuchon-250x250 Vanessa Aubuchon
    Revolutionary Aviation Mobility Sub-Project Manager, Transformational Tools & Technologies Project, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Catherine-Bahm Catherine M. Bahm
    Deputy Project Manager, Low Boom Flight Demonstrator (LBFD) Project, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
  • William-Chan William N. Chan
    Project Manager, Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X), NASA Ames Research Center
  • Marcus-Johnson-2022 Marcus Johnson
    Research Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center
  • Carl-Russell Carl Russell
    RVLT Associate Project Manager, NASA Ames Research Center
  • Steve-Spremo Stevan Spremo
    Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration Lead Systems Engineer, NASA