Forum 360: The Secret to Innovative Success: Uncovering Actual Customer Needs – An Interactive Workshop on Creating a Customer-focused Enterprise 24 January 2023 1530 - 1700

Learn more about the Carlson-Polizzotto Value-Creation Program 

The most common mistake innovation teams make is failing to identify an actual customer need. Teams tend to jump from a problem to a solution, and it is almost always wrong.

The ability to systematically create significant value to others is the critical skill for professional and enterprise success. Long term, it is the ultimate competitive advantage. Unfortunately, today’s innovative success rate is often poor. Typically, in leading companies, less than 25% of their major initiatives would provide any significant value, customer or enterprise, if completed.

This interactive workshop describes fundamental value-creation practices that significantly improve innovative outcomes, starting with identifying the actual customer need. Remarkably, few professionals, teams, or enterprises have these value-creation skills.

Using the concepts you will be exposed to in this workshop, SRI International went from 20 years of failing to tripling in size and creating many tens of billions of dollars of new market value, including HDTV, Intuitive Surgical, and Siri now on the Apple iPhone.

Participants at the workshop will learn concepts they can immediately use to improve their innovative performance. Michael Idelchik, former Vice President of GE Global Research, said, “The workshop is the most effective methodology I have seen being taught for the systematic creation of new, high-value innovations.
  • Scott-D-Fouse Scott D. Fouse
    Domain Lead for Research and Development and SciTech Executive Producer, AIAA
  • Placeholder-Male Curtis R. Carlson
    Professor of Practice, Northeastern University; Distinguished Executive in Residence, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; former President and CEO, SRI International