Forum 360: Growing Today’s Workforce for Tomorrow’s Technology 17 June 2020 1430 - 1600
Aerospace is entering its next age, as increasing levels of autonomy lead to a fundamental transformation in how people and goods move. Enabling this future will require new skills, new thinking, and new approaches to aircraft design, airspace management, and the role of humans in the aviation ecosystem. The panel today will peer into that future, to anticipate the exciting changes that are expected in aerospace, followed by a conversation on the skills and expertise that will be needed in the next generation of aerospace professionals.
Irene Gregory
Senior Technologist, Advanced Control Theory and Application, NASA Langley Research Center
Jeanine Boyle
Vice President, Human Resources, Aurora Flight Sciences -
P. Barry Bulter
President, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -
David Hamill
Director, Human Resources, and Lead, FAA Strategic Workforce Planning Initiative, FAA -
Cindy Hasselbring
Senior Policy Advisor, STEM Education, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President -
Peter Kunz
Senior Chief Engineer, Unpiloted Systems, Engineering, Test & Technology, The Boeing Company, Chief Engineer, Boeing NeXt