Forum 360: What’s the Next Breakthrough? Technology or Integration? 25 August 2020 1400 - 1600
What’s next on the horizon for the gas turbine engine, the workhorse propulsion system for aviation? Whether it’s making transportation faster, cleaner, and more efficient, or increasing its performance, it is clear air-breathing propulsion still has lots of opportunities. But does it require a breakthrough in technology or a higher level of integration? Hear a robust discussion on the future of gas turbine systems and technologies including a diversity of perspectives from government, industry, and academia.
Mary F. Wadel
Deputy Director, Aeronautics, NASA Glenn Research Center
Charles (Chuck) J. Cross
Chief, Turbine Engine Division, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory -
Arjan Hegeman COPY
General Manager, Advance Operations, GE Aviation -
James "Jim"’ Heidmann
Project Manager, Advanced Air Transport Technology, NASA -
Irewole (Wally) Orisamolu
Associate Director, Advanced Concepts & Technology, Pratt & Whitney -
Lisa Teague
Head of Research and Technology, Rolls-Royce Corporation -
Karen Thole
University Distinguished Professor, Pennsylvania State University