Cislunar Ecosystem

The AIAA Cislunar Ecosystem Task Force (CETF) is focused on the coordination of government, aerospace industry, adjacent industry, and supporting institution participation in a whole-of-economy effort to promote development of a cislunar ecosystem comprising the necessary infrastructure and institutions for permanent, sustainable human presence off-world between LEO and the lunar surface. The CETF is convening major stakeholders from space industry, adjacent industry, government, academia, and non-government civil organizations to emphasize the need for sustained and consistent cislunar ecosystem development. Its principal outputs will be support to policymakers and stakeholders with relevant technical and analytic perspectives.

  • Featured

    Cislunar Ecosystem

    Charting a Course for Advancing Cislunar Depots webinar, ASCENDxCislunar, August 2022. Watch this webinar featuring space leaders from government, industry, and academia who discussed charting a course for developing depots to support the future cislunar ecosystem.

    Watch Video

  • Cislunar Ecosystem Task Force Overview 

    June 16, 2023: briefing description goes here Learn More

AIAA Cislunar Ecosystem Task Force Lead
Dennis-Paul---Aerospace-CorpDennis J. Paul

Senior Project Leader, Development Directorate in the Civil Systems Group, The Aerospace Corporation

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