Tech Talk Series: Advances in Flight Mechanics Modeling and Simulation with Dr. Rafael Lugo 12 January 2023 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) NASA Langley Research Center, 1 Nasa Dr, Hampton, VA, USA & Virtual
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Come and enjoy a lunch & learn Technical Seminar hosted by the AIAA Hampton Roads Section.
Flight mechanics modeling and simulation is an area of continuous development. One of the industry-standard simulation tools in the Program to Optimize Spacecraft Trajectories II (POST2) is developed and maintained in-house at Langley Research Center. Recent uses of this tool include assessing GN&C performance of human-scale Lunar and Mars landing systems using generalized low- and medium-fidelity navigation sensor models required for precision landing. This talk will review recent POST2 simulation developments, as well as how current and planned advances in GN&C modeling enable rapid assessment of spacecraft integrated performance.
Dr. Rafael Lugo is an aerospace engineer in the Atmospheric Flight and Entry Systems Branch at NASA Langley Research Center. Since 2019 he has been a Civil Servant at NASA LaRC, and is currently the flight mechanics integrated performance simulation lead for the NASA/SpaceX Artemis Human Landing System. He is also the lead developer for the Program to Optimize Spacecraft Trajectories II (POST2).