Aerospace Perspectives Series: Space 2050—Our Future Shaped by Today’s Space Technology Advances 28 June 2023 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) Virtual

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This webinar is hosted by AIAA, is presented by Lockheed Martin, and is open to all members of the AIAA and ASCEND communities.

Aerospace-Perspective-Series-June2023-GraphicWhat will the future of space look like in 2050? What technologies will be required to enable future capabilities in space, and how close are we to creating them? The leaders of Lockheed Martin’s space innovation labs will share a vision for the future of space, and showcase key technologies being developing to expand space missions and humanity beyond our home world.

This webinar invites discussion about the future of space in five areas: a “smart” world enabled by ubiquitous communications, extraplanetary operations, space logistics, mission operations command utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning, and space defense to strengthen 21st century security. These areas dive deeper into dynamic mission environments and the emerging technological advancements necessary to operate productively and safely.


Aura-Roy-2023-roundedAura Roy
MUSE Deputy Program Manager, Lockheed Martin

David-Lackner-2023-roundedDavid Lackner
Senior Manager, Strategy and Business Development, Lockheed Martin

Joe-Landon-2023-roundedJoe Landon
CEO, Crescent Space

Katie-Watts-2023-roundedKate Watts
Vice President, Mission Strategy and Advanced Capabilities, Human and Scientific Exploration, Lockheed Martin

Nelson-Pedreiro-2023-RoundedNelson Pedreiro
Vice President, Lockheed Martin Space Advanced Technology Center

This webinar is free of charge and open to the public. Registered attendees will receive a post-event email to access the on-demand recording.

AIAA Perspectives Series Banner
Presented By
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Lockheed Martin Corporation