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Young Professional Profile March 2018

Oct 17, 2019, 14:42 PM
Title : Young Professional Profile March 2018
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Description : Hong Hu
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Hong-Hu-YP-Profile-March2018Name: Hong Hu  

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Currently lives: Latham, New York


  • PhD in mechanical engineering, University of Florida, 2015  
  • MS in mechanical engineering, University of Florida, 2013  
  • BS in mechanical engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2010 

Employer: Philips Medical System, MRI

Job Description: In my current role, I work as a lead mechanical engineering for thermal management system design related to superconductor magnets and cryogenics applications. I also lead R&D project in multilayer insulation, CFD, system-level thermal and fluid modeling.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you “grew up”?
When I was a kid, I was always looking up into the sky and wanted to devote my self into the journey of outer space exploration. I wanted to be a aerospace engineer to build powerful rocket and space stations.

How far can YOU see? Where do you see the aerospace industry 10–20 years from now?
I see the following trends in the aerospace industry in next few years:

  1. Significant investment and research in hybrid-electric commercial airplanes in the next 5 to 10 years. Both big companies and start-ups are working to develop more ecofriendly and quieter planes. Startups like Zunum Aero Inc. is focusing on regional 10–50 passenger planes. Meanwhile, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Siemens have partnered to develop E-Fan X program.
  2. With increasing demanding for sensors and electronics to be installed on airplane and space vehicles, requests for high-efficiency thermal management systems and insulation material will be on a strong increase. 
  3. The tremendous increase in the use of AI in design and assistant operation in the aircraft industry. AI and deep learning have shown their great advantage on airplane wing structure design, engine failure detection, and general aerodynamic design.

One insightful fact you want everyone to know:
Start design from 1st principal and check the model with 1st principal. This insight helps me to understand the physics better, pinpoint the root cause and make correct decision for design.

Professional Interests:
CFD, Thermal management, Fluid optimization, Multilayer insulation, Heat transfer

Hiking, travelling

Categories :
  • young professional profile