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Young Professional Profile September 2018

Oct 17, 2019, 15:50 PM
Title : Young Professional Profile September 2018
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Description : Lauren Badia
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Lauren-Badia-YP-Profile-Sept2018Name: Lauren Badia         

Humacao, Puerto Rico
Currently lives in
Huntsville, Alabama

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Job Description
Vehicle Structures and Mechanisms Designer. Working primarily on the Space Launch System (SLS) and Mars Ascent Vehicle.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you “grew up”?            
I wanted to be a teacher, but when I was 10 my mom purchased a set of VHS movies about the International Space Station (ISS) and when I watched it I immediately pointed at the ISS and said, "I want to build something like that." I never imagined that I would actually end up designing and developing spacecraft structures.

How far can YOU see? Where do you see the aerospace industry 10–20 years from now? 
I see humans leveraging the moon to continue to develop technologies and processes that are essential to setting foot on Mars one day. I see the aerospace industry growing and touching every single aspect of our lives, even more than it currently does.

One insightful fact you want everyone to know:    
Don't underestimate the power of communication and networking.

Professional Interests:
Design, CAD, Structures, Systems Engineering, Composites, Space Policy, STEM Outreach, and AIAA. 

Cooking, Yoga, Reading, Volunteering, Hiking, Painting, and Traveling.

Categories :
  • young professional profile