How Boom’s XB-1 Went Supersonic Without the Noise Written 11 February 2025

XB-1 Demonstrator Flight 28 Jan 2025

Boom's XB-1 Supersonic Flight, January 28, 2025. | Credit: Boom Supersonic

Aerotime reports, “During the demonstration flight on January 28, 2025, the XB-1 broke the sound barrier three times, but not one of those occasions caused an audible sonic boom. ‘This confirms what we’ve long believed,’ says Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom. ‘Supersonic travel can be affordable, sustainable, and friendly to those onboard and on the ground.’ Now, Boom Supersonic has shared more details on the technology behind its quiet supersonic achievement, which it calls ‘Boomless Cruise.’”
Full Story (Aerotime)