In This Section
Alexander Kott
Chief Scientist and Senior Research Scientist – Cyber Resiliency, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Anjaney Kottapalli
Research Science Manager, Lockheed Martin
Bryan ‘Brown’ Kowalczyk
Senior Research Associate, UAV MASTER Labs, University of Cincinnati
Holger Krag
Head of the Space Safety Programme Office, European Space Agency
Axel Krein
Executive Director, Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking
Phil Krein
Daniel Kroboth
Vice President, LEO Satellite Operations, Eutelsat Group
Alex Kroll
Chief Test Pilot, Universal Hydrogen
Kristen Kucko
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Justin Kugler
Vice President, Advanced Programs and Concepts, Made in Space
Glenn Kuller
AIAA Aerospace Autonomy Summit Lead; Partner, Kuller Consulting LLC
Hitoshi Kuninaka
Director General, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Chris Kunstadter
Global Head of Space, AXA XL
Peter Kunz
Senior Chief Engineer, Unpiloted Systems, Engineering, Test & Technology, The Boeing Company, Chief Engineer, Boeing NeXt
Laura Kushner
Lead Systems Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center
Andrew Kwas
NG Fellow, Engineering Systems Architect, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Steven G. Labbe
Director, Engineering, Intuitive Machines
Andrew Lacher
Senior Principal, Aerospace Research and Autonomous Systems, Noblis
David Lackner
Senior Manager, Strategy and Business Development, Lockheed Martin
Jarret Lafleur
Senior Advisor to the Principal Director for Hypersonics for Strike Systems Strategy and Policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering