In This Section
Ashley Purkey
Manager, Boeing Research and Technology, Aerodynamics Analysis and Testing, The Boeing Company
Jeff Puschell
Principal Engineering Fellow, Raytheon Technologies
Cheryl Quinn
Deputy Director, Airspace Operations and Safety Program, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, NASA
Guillermo Jenaro Rabadan
Project Executive, Advanced Digital Design and Manufacturing, Acubed
Steven N. Rader
Manager, NASA Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation
RADM David Hahn, USN
Chief of Naval Research, Director of Innovation, Technology Requirements and Test & Evaluation (OPNAV N94), Office of Naval Research
Shamim Rahman
Orion to SLS Integration Working Group Lead, NASA
Kaushik Rajashekara
Jasenka Rakas
Founder of the Airport Design Studio and Aviation Futures Lab, and Faculty in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of California Berkeley
Diana Birkett Rakow
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs and Sustainability, Alaska Airlines
Ram Ramachandran
Tech Fellow at the Propulsion Fluids & Design, Jacobs Space Exploration Group, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Sachin Ramesh
Director and CEO, Volador FlyTech
Jenette Ramos
Senior Vice President, Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Operations, The Boeing Company
Joseph Ran
Vice President, Innovation and Business Development, World Energy
Dave Rankine
Enterprise Account Executive, Lumafield
Marc Rayman
Dawn Mission Director, JPL Chief Engineer for Operations and Science, JPL Fellow
Daniel P. Raymer
President, Conceptual Research Corporation
Chris Raymond
Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Global Enterprise Sustainability, The Boeing Company
Shikha Redhal
Aerospace Engineering, PhD candidate, University of Maryland, College Park
Brendan Reed
Director of Airport Planning & Environmental Affairs, San Diego Airport Authority