
  • Jane Goodall
    Researcher, Amnesty
  • Abas-Goodarzi Abas Goodarzi
    Founder and CEO, US Hybrid
  • Placeholder-Male Ken Goodrich
    Research Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Susan Gorton Susan Gorton
    Project Manager, NASA Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Paul Gradl Paul Gradl
    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  • Craig-Gravelle Craig Gravelle
    Senior Director, Strategic Development, Space Systems and Technologies, General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems
  • Placeholder-Male David Gray
    Business Development Director - Structures, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence
  • Jeff-Greason-300x300 Jeff Greason
    PiP member
  • Peter-Green Peter Green
    Deputy Laboratory Director, Science and Technology, and Chief Research Officer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Senior Vice President, Alliance for Sustainable Energy
  • Michael-Gregg-2023 Michael Gregg
    Director of the Aerospace Systems Directorate, AFRL
  • Shawn Gregg c Shawn Gregg
    General Manager, Predictive Technology Engineering, Delta Air Lines
  • Irene Gregory Irene Gregory
    Senior Technologist, Advanced Control Theory and Application, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Jim-Gregory James Gregory
    Dean, College of Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Michael-Grieves Michael Grieves
    Executive Director, Digital Twin Institute
  • Michael Griffin Photo Hon. Michael Griffin
    Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, Department of Defense
  • Gary-Grimes-2023 Gary Grimes
    Director, Business Development Sustainability, World Energy Management Services
  • Heather-Grisco Heather Grisco
    RYT500, The Little Yoga Studio
  • Janet W. Grondin
    Chief Executive Officer, Stellar Solutions, Inc.
  • Roberto Guerrero Roberto Guerrero
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Operational Energy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Energy
  • Roberto-Guerrero Roberto I. Guerrero
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Operational Energy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Energy, Installations and Environment